Well, tonight was the official first night of my online school career. I'm going after my A.A. in Business. After 10 years of procrastinating I decided to actually get back into school and get a degree that can help me during my current Security career, as well as help push my business knowledge for getting MockTales off the ground.
One of my first assignments; read an article about blogging and write a summary about it. View Article Here. Definately a bonus in my opinion since I've been wanting to kick start this Blog again. I'm also looking forward to working on my grammar and sentance structure. While I'm pretty loose on this blog and most of my emails to family and friends, a more professional approach should be used (in my opinion) when it comes to the underline background of Inner-Reality Media and all of the stories under the MockTales banner.
Comics: (Warning- Spoilers!)
Picking up a few new comics lately. Thought I would attempt some reviews:
-Ultimates 3 #1 [Jeff Loeb and Joe Madureira]: Well worth the wait for this one. While the opening completely caught me off guard, I found it a nice touch to see that Jeff Loeb isn't softening up the story of the Ultimates. Joe Mad! provided amazing details in artwork that was just breathtaking. Definately feels good to have Joe Mad! back, even if he is (rumored) to be returning to game design after the Ultimates run. Additionally I would like to mention that the colorist, Christian Lichtner also did a brilliant job with Joe's art. I personally would like to see the process they both did to acheive that art. It would seem as though Joe provided his own shading with the pencil work and Christian colored accordingly, using it as a guide. Either way, just amazing.
Problems: None so far!
-Ant: Unleashed #1 [Mario Gully and Marco Turini]: Ant is back again! Mario Gully has stepped back to just writing while Marco Turini has now taken over the penciling (and inking) duties of our favorite little insect. Now being released through Big City Comics, we almost see Hannah escape the hell she has to live in, only to be dragged back into the fight once again. They just won't leave that girl alone! A set up issue, placing Hannah/Ant at her day job, avoiding the Landlord at her apartment, giving us a decent peak at her roomate while she's "on the job", and then showing us once again why we keep coming back ready to watch people get their asses kicked by a female red Ant with a booty to keep us smiling through the whole issue.
Problems: None so far!
-Iron and the Maiden #0 [Jason Rubin and Francis Manapul with Joel Gomez]: After wrapping up their main story, this book takes us back and gives us a little insight as to where Michael Iron came from, a short story about one of his first hits after achieving Steroid lvl 4.0, right up until he was saved and his arm augmented. Not too bad of a read. Nothing too exciting either. The humor is good as usual and the artwork as always is beautiful.
Problems: I'm ready to move on. I want more and don't want to look back too much on what happened before, but what will happen next. When/if this series continues, I'll look forward to picking it up.