Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Update Blog #1

Hey everyone!

The Retreat!
So this past weekend was my Writer/Artist retreat. And unfortunately it was nothing but fail. Originally I planned to go to Ellensburg, Washington, to get away from it all. Turn the phone off. No internet surfing other than research (so no Facebook or online chatting). This was going to be a 4-day, 3-night retreat so I could just draw and write and not worry about anything else.

Well, unfortunately, Thursday morning of the retreat, the waterline to the house I'm renting had a leak and we had to have our water shut off to avoid the obvious damage and then extensive bill to the owner. Now, that wouldn't have been a problem if I just went ahead and left for Ellensburg. I would have water at some random Motel. But I wanted to be one of the reliable roommates that could help out with whomever would be coming over to check out the problem. I wasn't "needed"... but I still felt I should hang around. Turns out I should have just left. I wasn't really needed.

Additionally, I just don't have the money to spend on a quick 4-day retreat. Even at the cheap prices of Ellensburg Motels. I'm taking an important family trip soon and I need the money for that trip. And then in addition there are the conventions coming up in September, October and November. (more on that below)

So I tried to have a retreat anyways. Attempted to work hard at a coffee shop or do things at home. And I just found myself distracted. I did what I could Thursday at my coffee shop of choice. I put my headphones on and just plotted layouts and designed a lot of art projects for this coming week. I started to sort out more of my late commissions so I can finish those.

Regardless of the fustrating weekend, I still put some of my time into what needed to get done. I bought and went live with that sucker. (more on that below).

Convention Fund Raising
I'm happy to announce here that I have been approved for a table in NYCC's Artist Alley. But it will cost a lot of money to get me there. The table price alone is pretty high and I need to come up with that by July 20th. Then of course the hotel and airfare.

This past weekend I got really uptight about someone asking for freebies or handouts on Facebook. And without really getting into that too much, I wanted to say that I am not and never going to ask for a free handout if I can help it. So I want to try and get a bunch of artwork and prints sold in the next 25 days to make this show, as well as set up the rest of the Fall schedule.

I have 6 more shows to do, per the plan I have set up. So over the next 25 days I will be updating, my new website, with all my sales. Each day, and each week I will try to update it with as much as possible. Because I realize I can't sell people things if they can't see what I have to sell in the first place.

I will be looking for as much feedback as possible from everyone. I understand that not everyone can afford $100-$300 artwork. And I will try to make all ranges available from $5 and up.

New Website! is now live... but skimpy at best. *laughs* I need to put the content together. As I will be coding this new website myself, everything will be as simple as possible because I have limited HTML knowledge.

My only image on the site right now... me staring right back atch'a!

What I'm looking to do with this website is post original art and print sales. This will be for both MockTales and non-MockTales related items. I will try and make different sections and have them clearly labelled so you can easily navigate. Again, I want to keep it simple so I don't have to code too much of the site.

Well folks, that is it for now. I want to update more. And if plans go through, I will be doing these blogs/journals more often. But as you've read, things get in the way sometimes. Stay tuned for more!
