Just a short blog. But I'm happy to say that I am getting back to the art table finally. I will be posting artwork tonight after I get off work and then follow up with more artwork on Halloween Day.
Brief History Lesson:
The actual concept of MockTales came to me winter of 2001/2002. Although I tell people this book is 10 years in the making, it actually contains ideas I thought of when I was as young as 6 years old. But in the same respects, I truly feel I haven't been professional and in the right position to put this dream together until now. The problem is, I have been promissing this book for years without realizing I wasn't ready. And because of that, I have let a lot of people down. (as I have mentioned before, so I won't go "broken record" on you all)
So where do we stand? Another deadline coming up and will Greg provide? Well the answer is yes, Greg will provide on Halloween day, October 31st 2010. I will be posting a lot of artwork on Facebook and Deviant Art. The MockTales website will be updated as well, with a few active pages. I am still deciding whether or not to get rid of the template I have been using the last few years and just code everything myself again. But that means more work on my plate.
On the horizon:
There is still no release date for MockTales #1. Not until I know for certain I can have the pages done and print-ready. But I will definately have a couple pages to view online on Halloween day.
Also, while I have a few well known comic artists in talks to help with Pin-up, concept and cover artwork for MockTales, I don't have any definate projects that I can announce at this time. When I have artwork in my hands and ready to print, I will most likely make announcements. I am very excited that I have a few people wanting to work with me on this book. So as soon as I know for sure I will announce who they are and what they will be helping with.
Additionally I am hoping to get some Radio time on the local Seattle stations and get the word out for MockTales across the rest of the country. I'll work on world domination in 2012... shortly before the apocalypse. Advertising for me will be more likely once I actually have pages available for people to view and the book is print-ready.
Want to help? Just let everyone know about MockTales.com and our networking sites. Email me with questions or concerns at mocktales@gmail.com.
(Art below by Greg Scott Bailey. Character: BleĆ¼)
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