Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cosplay Girls

A little off the beaten path (if thats the correct way to say/spell that). I thought I would entertain all of you with my thoughts on Cosplay. And specifically my thoughts on girls that Cosplay.

My first initial reaction to people dressing up in costume at comic conventions back in 1996/1997 was a bit laughable. I feel bad saying this, because that was when it was really daring to dress up. The costumes were crummy and horrible. Maybe someone had some funky wolverine claws, but that was it... and then they couldn't carry things around the show cause of the claws.

But then as we moved forward into the year 2000 things started changing. We started seeing women dressing up in costume. The Slave Leia's started showing up. The Electra's, Psylocke, Rogue... you name it. Girls were trying it out. Some girls (and guys), not to be harsh, should never had put spandex on. Now, mind you, I'm going to be direct here and say that it isn't so much about the weight on a girl. Even a little extra weight on a girl can still look healthy and sexy. It pretty much is when you say it like the comedian Gabriel Iglesias says; "Daaaaaaammn!" that we start to wish some people wouldn't dress up in costume.

As the mid-2000's hit and I was able to attend some of the larger comic conventions (Wizard World Chicago and San Diego Comic Con), and our very own Seattle show Emerald City Comic Con started getting larger, I had noticed a variety of what people would classify as "Hotties" showing up at conventions dressed in Cosplay. Some were "Booth Babes" hired to bring in the customer to the table, or get a flier for what they were advertising. Others started showing that even they were interested in dressing up for conventions. And suddenly it became apparent that the comic, geek, gamer and nerd industry was no longer just fat sweaty guys in their Mom's basements.

So I currently find myself single. Creating my own comic and art book. And it hits me (what was probably already apparent, but my mind finally caught up)... I should try to find myself a single Cosplayer hottie to date. On paper, in theory, wishfully, I would think.... that a girl like that should be a hell of a lot more compatible than what I have been dating. Without going too deep into things, a guy like me needs someone a little more understanding about the world I live in, think in, create in. And while I say I want to date a Cosplayer, what I really mean is that I'm looking for a girl that wants to live, eat and breath in my creative world.

And honestly, the best thing anyone can do is take care of yourself. Be self sufficient, self reliant, and watch how co-dependent you are on a relationship and having someone in your life. I'm making steps towards being a little more along the lines of being there for myself. But at the same time, I also know how truly amazing life could be with someone more compatible. And so I am on a quest while I work on MockTales, work on my life, work on everything I need to do.

I am getting more and more picky the more I think about the kind of girl I want to be with these days. And so because of this, oddly enough, I have finally become that which I was always annoyed with... someone who says "sorry, not interested" to a member of the opposite sex. But saying yes to the first girl who accepted me has proven to put me in bad relationships. My fault, her fault... doesn't matter at this point. They were bad relationships. So... time to be picky, build something special with someone, and ensure that quality is achieved.

Thanks for listening to the ramblings. Moving on to getting artwork done... and daydreaming about Cosplay girls.

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