Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Health and Status

Well everyone, my attempts to get better and on track have once again hit a bad snag. The last two weeks I've been trying to keep my game face on while dealing with a hurt back. I made the bad decision to lift a TV by myself helping a friend (again, "my" bad decision in case she is reading this. lol).

So, thinking I was John Wayne or something, I just let things go and eventually it caught up to me this past Sunday and Monday when my body shut down and I was having chills and sweats. My body was achy like I had the flu.

Getting better sleep has helped my improvement and of course I went to the Doctor finally to get checked out. "A possible herniated disc" is what he says. Maybe even just a pulled muscle. But signs indicate that I am healing and I will need to keep resting and doing proper stretches for a few more weeks while on some miner pain meds.

So naturally I hurt myself shortly after I announced my Art Book for September. This has put me behind not only with my Art Book, but finalizing my script for MockTales #1 and of course the last of my Commissions from March/April. While I only have a few commissions left, people have been waiting and my first priority is still getting those commissions done and shipped out to everyone. (again, if you ordered from me it is always best to email me at and not comment publicly online).

Being Single:
So once again in my life, as of the last 8 weeks, I have become single. I was in what I consider a very good relationship with someone with whom I felt was very special. I attribute a lot of the good things in my life these days because of my interaction with my recent relationship. But unfortunately things didn't work out and we parted ways.

There are various different feelings I have been having when reacting to this whole thing; Confusion. Anger. Sadness. Joy. Disapointment. And more. I had what I thought was the beginnings of something really wonderful with someone and then all of a sudden (to me at least) it was taken away. It isn't just my fault or hers specifically. But in the end it just plain sucks and of course all you want is the good times you had before everything went wrong.

You then see the person after the breakup and your first impulse is to smile, to hug, to kiss... but then you remember that it isn't allowed any more. And the pain you feel at that moment is unbearable. But dampens with time.

In going through these past few months since my breakup I haven't been too happy to do much, despite my outward and outgoing attitude people see online or in person. I've been sad and depressed and hurting. But I'm learning the lessons this is supposed to be teaching me and, once again, all I can do is move forward.

There is more indepth things about this whole situation, but out of respect and love for her, I don't want to turn this into a rant. It just sucks and it feels good at least getting some of this out.

I miss her terribly...

Interviewed by Peter Palmiotti
On Sunday, July 3rd, I was interviewed by Peter Palmiotti on his Podcast. You can go to his Talk Shoe page at the link below. Check out my interview as well as many others. Peter is a nice casual interviewer and I had a great time chatting with him. Also look up is artwork on Deviant Art and add him to your networking sites! This is the first of what I am hoping will be many interviews helping spread the word of my artwork and the world of MockTales!


R said...

Sorry to hear your single. Sucks but doesn't last. For some fucked up reason we all hook up sooner or later. Again and again. The lucky few hook up once and it lasts forever. Breaking up IS hard to do. But I really dunno what is harder. The break up itself or coming to terms with the fact that regular sex has gone bye bye. Brutal. Just brutal! I've made myself depressed. Going to go drink in the bathroom.

Unknown said...

lol damn dude, don't be depressed. lol I'm all good.

But yes... brutal is a good word.

I press on!

Karyudo said...

You're resting instead of finishing commissions? How unprofessional. Hope you heal up man.

And I think you described my last relationship. We started going out, by the end of the month we were "Meant to be together" and a month later it was "can we just be friends? I found a guy twice your age". Seemed really perfect till that point then suddenly bits and pieces of white lies surfaced and my answer was a pretty cold no. A casual relationship would be one thing but she built it way past that. We apparently had a song...I like the song but I stopped talking to her right away, helps when you can avoid the crap out of them without much effort. Few months later I snagged a significant upgrade so I was certainly pissed at the time...looking back though there's a crapload of things I wish she did heh. Food for thought.