Sunday, June 26, 2011

Long Time Coming!

I am happy to announce that at the Jet City Comic Show, (September 24th 2011) I will be releasing MockTales: Project Molten. This will be a 60 + page book containing all the concept art and designs I have been doing for all the characters, creatures and places in MockTales/Nexus Earth. This art book will be available fully in print, and I will be showing some previews online all Summer.

I am also happy to announce that the 10-page preview of MockTales: Adventures of Tim Garn will also be in MockTales: Project Molten, as well as available online in September.

This has all been a long time coming. I have lots to do this summer and that includes everything I've been catching up on lately. Many of you have been patient. Others have not (understandably of course). All I can say at this point is that I'm working as hard as I can to make things happen and I'm looking forward to finally getting these books done.

Here is a sample of one of the cover sketches for MockTales: Project Molten