Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ed'jumacation! and Comics!!

Well, tonight was the official first night of my online school career. I'm going after my A.A. in Business. After 10 years of procrastinating I decided to actually get back into school and get a degree that can help me during my current Security career, as well as help push my business knowledge for getting MockTales off the ground.

One of my first assignments; read an article about blogging and write a summary about it. View Article Here. Definately a bonus in my opinion since I've been wanting to kick start this Blog again. I'm also looking forward to working on my grammar and sentance structure. While I'm pretty loose on this blog and most of my emails to family and friends, a more professional approach should be used (in my opinion) when it comes to the underline background of Inner-Reality Media and all of the stories under the MockTales banner.

Comics: (Warning- Spoilers!)
Picking up a few new comics lately. Thought I would attempt some reviews:

-Ultimates 3 #1 [Jeff Loeb and Joe Madureira]: Well worth the wait for this one. While the opening completely caught me off guard, I found it a nice touch to see that Jeff Loeb isn't softening up the story of the Ultimates. Joe Mad! provided amazing details in artwork that was just breathtaking. Definately feels good to have Joe Mad! back, even if he is (rumored) to be returning to game design after the Ultimates run. Additionally I would like to mention that the colorist, Christian Lichtner also did a brilliant job with Joe's art. I personally would like to see the process they both did to acheive that art. It would seem as though Joe provided his own shading with the pencil work and Christian colored accordingly, using it as a guide. Either way, just amazing.
Problems: None so far!

-Ant: Unleashed #1 [Mario Gully and Marco Turini]: Ant is back again! Mario Gully has stepped back to just writing while Marco Turini has now taken over the penciling (and inking) duties of our favorite little insect. Now being released through Big City Comics, we almost see Hannah escape the hell she has to live in, only to be dragged back into the fight once again. They just won't leave that girl alone! A set up issue, placing Hannah/Ant at her day job, avoiding the Landlord at her apartment, giving us a decent peak at her roomate while she's "on the job", and then showing us once again why we keep coming back ready to watch people get their asses kicked by a female red Ant with a booty to keep us smiling through the whole issue.
Problems: None so far!

-Iron and the Maiden #0 [Jason Rubin and Francis Manapul with Joel Gomez]: After wrapping up their main story, this book takes us back and gives us a little insight as to where Michael Iron came from, a short story about one of his first hits after achieving Steroid lvl 4.0, right up until he was saved and his arm augmented. Not too bad of a read. Nothing too exciting either. The humor is good as usual and the artwork as always is beautiful.
Problems: I'm ready to move on. I want more and don't want to look back too much on what happened before, but what will happen next. When/if this series continues, I'll look forward to picking it up.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Health and Traffic conditions

So I have a couple new things to rant about tonight;

Personal Health: So I've had to visit the Emergency Room twice now in the last week. Once for my oldest daughter and another time for my wife. Everyone is okay, so thank goodness there. But its amazing what you hear when you are in the waiting room. Both times while waiting I had to listen to people who (in my opinion) were nothing more than hypochondriacs. People who don't know how to suck it up and just deal with every day normal pain and health problems.

If there is one thing I can't stand, its people who fake health problems for attention. It makes it harder for people who seriously need the help and proper treatment. And it isn't so much that people are hypochondriacs, but the dependancy of either the medicine and drugs, or the attention.

I could go on, but all I'm saying is for people out there who don't really have serious medical issues... for crying out loud just let it go, suck it up and work hard and stop complaining about health issues that people deal with on a regular and daily basis. Damn it, if I have to do it I don't see how hard it is for everyone else.

2nd issue; Traffic in Seattle: For this, I'm going to post a video blog when I get home. Just plain rediculous stuff I have to deal with when I drive to work every day.

(EDIT: I didn't do the video. After thinking about it, I figure I don't want this Blog to be full of rants about what ever I'm pissed off at. So I'll try to stick to topics that are a bit more upbeat.)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Keeping to the grind stone Pt. 2

So as some of you noticed, my absence was apparent yet again online. The web site was down for a bit as well. Had to pay the bill with some recent donations, so I deeply thank everyone for the money sent in.

So here is the deal; I was suppose to have something put together for the Portland Comic Book show. I ended up getting a lucky break from my work and was sent to the UK for two different business trips, a month apart. During that time I was extremely busy with projects and couldn't do the necessary artwork needed for a show. At this point I'm putting out all new stuff for MockTales and a lot of the old stuff is going to be in literally a "bargain bin" at the next Emerald City Comic Con in 2008. We're talking a 8x11 inch b&w print for .50c a pop! Its gotta go. Old stuff out, new stuff in.

So as I further work on my business knowledge, I'm beginning to realize that I need much more then the self taught education I've been giving myself for over 10 years. Next month I will begin taking classes towards my Associates in Business. While some people may criticize me for this approach, I tend to think it is better to have the knowledge to back myself up than jump right in head first and crash like a fireball. I'm personally tired of not knowing where to go, or how to organize and structure what I want to do in life.

I have all these ideas and nothing to show for them. Many of you folks who have been kind enough to visit the web site or stop by my table at the conventions... you've all been very supportive and I thank you for it. Now its time for me to get my butt in gear and get all these ideas out. Its time to give you all content for the web site and then the Comic Book I keep saying is going to come out.

Its time

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Keeping to the grind stone

So we're hitting almost two months since my last post. Needed to situate things again.

As I've said before, it's a bit difficult to work a full time job, have a wife and three kids to support, AND try to get a comic book put together. I suppose I could just give it up and go with a carear in Security. What to do huh?

Well, for now I wanted to share a new thing for me. I did a quick 5 minute video blog on my comic Mocktales last night before coming in to work. I wish I had more time to draw because I've got artists waiting for concept sketches. However, I have time before my flight to the UK later on today so I'll probably put it all together then.

Video Blog #1

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Celebrity waste

Here is another rant in light of the recent news about Lindsay Lohan being arrested. (Arrested for DUI and posession of Cocaine):

"A shame" is something I'm hearing a lot from people when a celebrity is arrested or has died or what ever else is going wrong in their lives. To me, I don't say its a shame, I say what a waste. To use Lindsay Lohan as an example; she is popular, attractive, rich and has had until recently a very good chance to continue a sucessful carear as an actress making more money than most people dream about. Now, not to say she hasn't worked hard to get to where she is at, because I don't know what her life was like when she grew up. I know she was in movies as a child but I only started seeing her in movies like Herbie Fully Loaded and Mean Girls.

Now, that being said... the reason I say what a waste is because I can't understand how someone like Lindsay can waste all that opportunity of money and fame on partying, drinking and drugs. I come from a frame of mind where heavy drinking and drugs and partying just doesn't make sense. Why I think this way I don't know. But to me, if I had the money she has and if I was as well known as she is, life would be so much easier. And I challenge any celebrity to approach me and tell me otherwise. I would be able to stop working Security and finally get my comic book going. I wouldn't have to worry if I'm going to pay rent on time. Keep the power on. Or if my kids are going to have diapers and formula, let alone grow up with opportunities of their own.

But hey, who am I to judge Lindsay right? Its her life, not mine right? Well its not so much about judging as it is recognizing a complete waste of opportunity. And I'm starting to get damned determined to get myself out to a wider audience in this world to prove that someone can obtain wealth and fame without having to also party and do drugs. And I won't even start in about using drugs. But hey, I know there are a lot of Celebrities out there that aren't like this. And I personally wouldn't say that every celbrity is messed up like Lindsay is right now. We just hear about it on the news because people want to hear more about the tragic lives of celebrities and not the good things they do.

So what else can I say? Nothing much really. I got most of this off my chest tonight at work, so there isn't much to my post. I'll probably be posting more about comics tomorrow after I stop by my local dealer. lol.... dealer?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hi, my name is...

So last week when I started this blog I got off on a bit of a rant about Fast Food. Well I thought I'd give a little insight to who I am this week, and also touch on a few current events.

Who am I? Well I am Greg Scott Bailey, a comic book artist from the Seattle/Tacoma area of Washington State, USA. And by comic book artist I mean that I create, draw, some times ink, computer color and letter comic book art. I've focused on a wide variety of the comic book field as far as creating comics go, but because of that I don't have a really strong grasp on one specific area of comics. I can draw people, but my anatomy needs work. I can color, but I have a hard time understanding lighting and color theory. And as far as creating.... well I have a butt load of stories in my head and I've barely been able to start writing a lot of it down.

I want to create a world just like Tolkien did with Lord of the Rings (and other books mind you). Or even when you read a Marvel comic, you can read about the Fantastic Four in their book, and hear about what they did in a Spider-man or X-men book too. The continuity and the intermixed universe of characters has always intrigued me and I think of it every day when I think of my comic book, Mocktales.

So what do I do? Several times over the years I've tried to look for other artists and writers to help with the project. I've received submissions from some decent artists. Some that have probably surpassed me now and are going to be getting steady work in the industry, there is no doubt there. But I hesitate to accept anyone because its hard to let any creative control go. I want to do everything because I have yet to find an artist who can draw my characters in a comfortable fashion that I can deal with. However, this isn't any one person's fault but my own because I've barely let anyone see what my designs are. So how the hell can they work off my designs right? *laughs* Well the more I work on my Ego and my stubbornness, the easier it has been to accept that I will have to let some of the creative control go. BUT... not all of course. So again, what do I do? Do I try to become one of these artist in the world that people walk around saying, "Oh, he's an artist. He's allowed to be weird," and make my fame that way? Or do I become a commercial artist and do what the masses want so I can make a big paycheck?

Movies? TV shows? Animation? Hell, I want Mocktales to be anything. Action figures and T-Shirts. But why do I want this? Is it again, my ego? Am I still a child and wish to fullfill some George Lucas fantasy by turning my creation into a marketing empire? With three kids and a wife who doesn't work, selling out to a corporate entity wouldn't be too hard for me right now if the numbers on the check were pleasing. I'd say they have to have at least 6 zero's before the decimal point, US Dollars please. Thank you.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Introduction and Fast Food attack

Just because I need to get this off my chest, I thought I would finally start up a blog and give my few cents on just about everything that impacts my life.

Fast Food

So here is the thing; My first over all job was at a Fast Food restaurant. A small burger and fries place owned by a guy who wanted to do his own thing. I was taught everything from greeting a customer with a smile and a "Hi, how are you today?" Additionally I was taught several key points in Food Service and I still remember most of them today.

I have been eating fast food regularly for the past year or two. My wife and I have 3 kids and its a quick solution to the "what should we eat for dinner" question, but of course ends up costing us in the end. But that's another rant for another time. So I'll give an example and get to the point; I was approaching the drive up at Jack in the Box. There was nothing coming out of the speaker, but as polite as I could be I waited. Eventually a female voice came crackling out of the menu sign and asked "What can I get you?" So it wasn't "Hi, how are you today?" which was fine so I proceeded. I had three orders and begain with the first. A simple order of Chicken Strips, curly fries and a soda, large size. The woman gives me the total and tells me the window where I can pay. *pauses to blink a few times* So now I have to tell her to hold on because I have two more orders. She responds back, "Okay *pause for 2 seconds for what I assume is her opening back up the order on the computer* go ahead." This slightly annoys me, but again I try to be a nice guy and continue with my order. A children's chicken strips meal and then my Jumbo Jack Meal with no onions. I was given a new total. I thank her and proceed to drive up to the next window.

Now, I drive an 85' Chevy Cavalier which is fairly low to the ground, and not by my choice. When I get to the window I have to hand up the money, a single $20.00 bill. When I get my change back, I get a few singles and some silver. The money is just lumped into my hand and the girl starts walking away to get my order without making sure I have a handle on it. I drop probably just a penny, but then start putting the change into my wallet. Before I can sort out the silver, the girl is handing out the soda to me. So now I just put my wallet and the change on the passenger seat and start receiving the soda when I realize that it is three sodas and I have no where to put them. I ask her for a drink carrier, she groans slightly and then puts one together to give to me that only holds two sodas. Again, I bite my lip, accept and move on.

Now this is the big part that brings me to this entire rant; I'm being handed out the food in bags at an angle that keeps my arm at an awkward position. I try to pull the first bag in with my other handon the bottom just to be safe and she starts shoving the 2nd bag out at me. Well I take my time in putting it in the passenger seat because I have the soda and my wallet with loose change now sitting over there. I go to get the 2nd bag which is the kids meal and she just lets go as I grab it and closes the window. No pause to make sure I got what I ordered correctly or to make sure I am situated. No "Thank you, have a nice day" said to me as I smile and drive away. There was no one behind me and I know for a fact they had someone at the front counter server only 1 person in the lobby. And to top it all off, the thing that bugs me the most, is that the opening to the bags of food were just left open when they were handed to me.

I was taught to seal the bags with a nice firm fold over and that helps to not only keep the heat in and keep food fresh, but also serves as a safe way to grab the bags of food. When a server just holds the side of a paper sack bag and hands it out, it has the chance of ripping on them and then spilling the food on the customer. Believe me, I've witnessed this several times. Now I know that this probably isn't a big deal to others and that I may be coming off as someone who has nothing better to do than complain. Bit the thing is, that if this was just the first and only time it happened I wouldn't even worry about it. I really am a patient man. I try to be kind and polite as best as I can because I know what it is like to work Fast Food or any other customer service industry. I understand that this person could have been just having a bad day. But the thing is, this wasn't the first time. This isn't the only resturant that this happens at. I get this at every fast food restaurant I get. And if I were to put a number to it, I would say 9 out of 10 places I get poor customer service.

So what do I do? Do I write all this up and mail it in to the company's? Would they even care? Do I take it to the local level and address this with their General Managers? Do I suck it up and take it like a man?

Oh, and my burger with no onions... had onions on it.

-Greg Scott Bailey-